Mapper  0.9.0
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OpenOrienteering Namespace Reference


 This namespace collects CRS template implementations.
 A collection of file dialog utility functions.
 Object conditions and processors, see methods Map::applyOnAllObjects() and MapPart::applyOnAllObjects()
 A collection of GUI utility functions.
 Local namespace for QLatin1String constants.


class  AboutDialog
 A dialog which shows information about Mapper and its components. More...
class  AbstractHomeScreenWidget
 The user interface of the OpenOrienteering Mapper home screen. More...
class  ActionGridBar
 A toolbar with a grid layout, whose button size depends on the ppi. More...
class  AddObjectsUndoStep
 Map undo step which adds the contained objects. More...
struct  ApplyTemplateTransform
 A local functor which is used when importing map templates into the current map. More...
class  AreaRenderable
 Renderable for displaying an area. More...
class  AreaSymbol
 Symbol for PathObjects where the enclosed area is filled with a solid color and / or with one or more patterns. More...
class  AreaSymbolSettings
class  Autosave
 Class Autosave implements autosaving behaviour. More...
class  AutosaveDialog
 A dialog for selection of an autosaved file vs. More...
class  AutosavePrivate
 AutosavePrivate is a helper class of Autosave. More...
class  AzimuthInfoHelper
 A utility for displaying azimuth and distance while drawing. More...
class  BooleanTool
 Wraps some helper functions for boolean operations. More...
class  CircleRenderable
 Renderable for displaying a circle. More...
class  ColorDialog
 A dialog for editing a single map color. More...
class  ColorDropDown
 A combobox which lets the user select a map color. More...
class  ColorItemDelegate
 An item delegate which respects colors from the model even when the item is selected. More...
class  ColorListWidget
 A widget showing the list of map colors and some edit buttons at the bottom. More...
class  CombinedSymbol
 Symbol which can combine other line and area symbols, creating renderables for each of them. More...
class  CombinedSymbolSettings
class  CombinedUndoStep
 An undo step which is actually a sequence of sub UndoSteps. More...
class  Compass
 Provides access to the device's compass. More...
class  CompassDisplay
 A widget which displays a compass. More...
class  CompassPrivate
class  ConfigureGridDialog
class  ConstrainAngleToolHelper
 Helper class to constrain cursor positions to specific lines / directions which originate from a given point. More...
class  CoordXmlTest
class  CRSParameterWidgetObserver
 Abstract base class for users of CRS parameter widgets. More...
class  CRSSelector
 Combobox for selecting projected coordinate reference system (CRS). More...
class  CRSTemplate
 A template for a coordinate reference system specification (CRS) string. More...
class  CRSTemplateParameter
 Abstract base class for parameters in CRSTemplates. More...
class  CRSTemplateRegistry
 A directory of known CRS templates. More...
class  CutHoleTool
 Tool to cut holes into area objects. More...
class  CutoutOperation
 Operation to make map cutouts. More...
class  CutoutTool
 Tool to make map cutouts. More...
class  CutTool
 A tool to cut (split) lines and areas into smaller pieces. More...
class  DeleteObjectsUndoStep
 Map undo step which deletes the referenced objects. More...
class  DetermineFontSizeDialog
class  DistributePointsSettingsDialog
 Settings dialog for DistributePointsTool. More...
class  DistributePointsTool
 Provides methods to create evenly spaced point objects along a line. More...
class  DotRenderable
 Renderable for displaying a filled dot. More...
class  DoubleValidator
 Double validator for line edit widgets, ensures that only valid doubles can be entered. More...
class  DrawCircleTool
 Tool to draw circles and ellipses. More...
class  DrawFreehandTool
 Tool for free-hand drawing. More...
class  DrawLineAndAreaTool
 Base class for drawing tools for line and area symbols. More...
class  DrawPathTool
 Tool to draw arbitrarily shaped PathObjects. More...
class  DrawPointGPSTool
 Tool to draw a PointObject at the GPS position. More...
class  DrawPointTool
 Tool to draw PointObjects. More...
class  DrawRectangleTool
 Tool to draw rectangular PathObjects (but also 45 degree angles). More...
class  DrawTextTool
 Tool to draw text objects. More...
class  EditLineTool
 A tool to edit lines of PathObjects. More...
class  EditorDockWidget
 Custom QDockWidget which unchecks the associated menu action when closed and delivers a notification to its child. More...
class  EditorSettingsPage
class  EditPointTool
 Standard tool to edit all types of objects. More...
class  EditTool
 Base class for object editing tools. More...
class  Exporter
 Base class for all exporters. More...
class  FileFormat
 Describes a file format understood by this application. More...
class  FileFormatException
 An exception type thrown by an importer or exporter if it encounters a fatal error. More...
class  FileFormatRegistry
 Provides a registry for file formats, and takes ownership of the supported format objects. More...
class  FillTool
 Tool to fill bounded areas with PathObjects. More...
class  FollowPathToolHelper
 Helper class to 'follow' (i.e. More...
class  GdalManager
 A utility class which takes care of GDAL settings and options. More...
class  GdalSettingsPage
class  GdalTemplate
 Support for geospatial raster data. More...
class  GeneralSettingsPage
class  Georeferencing
 A Georeferencing defines a mapping between "map coordinates" (as measured on paper) and coordinates in the real world. More...
class  GeoreferencingDialog
 A GeoreferencingDialog allows the user to adjust the georeferencing properties of a map. More...
class  GeoreferencingTool
 GeoreferencingTool is a helper to the GeoreferencingDialog which allows the user to select the position of the reference point on the map The GeoreferencingDialog hides when it activates this tool. More...
class  GPSDisplay
 Retrieves the GPS position and displays a marker at this position on a MapWidget. More...
class  GPSTemporaryMarkers
 Displays temporary markers recorded with GPS. More...
class  GPSTrackRecorder
 Records GPS tracks into a TemplateTrack. More...
class  GridTest
class  HiddenSymbolDecorator
 Draws the decoration for a hidden symbol. More...
class  HomeScreenController
 The controller of the OpenOrienteering Mapper home screen. More...
class  HomeScreenWidgetDesktop
 Implementation of AbstractHomeScreenWidget for desktop PCs. More...
class  HomeScreenWidgetMobile
 Implementation of AbstractHomeScreenWidget for mobile devices. More...
class  IconPropertiesWidget
 A widget for modifying symbol icons. More...
class  ImageTransparencyFixup
 ImageTransparencyFixup repairs a particular issue with composing transparent pixels. More...
class  Importer
 Base class for all importers. More...
class  ImportExport
 Abstract base class for both importer and exporters. More...
class  KeyButtonBar
 Shows a set of buttons for simulating keyboard input. More...
class  LatLon
 Specifies geographic location by latitude and longitude. More...
class  LineRenderable
 Renderable for displaying a line. More...
class  LineSymbol
 Symbol for PathObjects which displays a line along the path. More...
struct  LineSymbolBorder
 Settings for a line symbol's border. More...
class  LineSymbolSettings
class  LineTextSymbol
 Symbol which draw text along a path. More...
class  MainWindow
 The MainWindow class provides the generic application window. More...
class  MainWindowController
 A MainWindowController provides the specific content and behaviours for a main window, for example map drawing or course setting functions. More...
class  Map
 Central class for an OpenOrienteering map. More...
class  MapColor
 The MapColor class provides colors which may be used by symbols (and objects). More...
struct  MapColorCmyk
 The MapColorCmyk class provides a datatype for storing and transferring opaque CMYK colors. More...
class  MapColorMap
 MapColorMap provides a mapping from one map color to another. More...
struct  MapColorRgb
 The MapColorRgb class provides a datatype for storing and transferring opaque RGB colors. More...
class  MapCoord
 Coordinates of a point in a map, with optional flags. More...
class  MapCoordF
 Map coordinates stored as floating point numbers. More...
class  MapEditorActivity
 Represents a type of editing activity, e.g. More...
class  MapEditorController
 MainWindowController for editing a map. More...
class  MapEditorTool
 An abstract tool for editing a map. More...
class  MapEditorToolAction
 Helper class which disallows deselecting the checkable action by the user. More...
class  MapEditorToolBase
 Provides a simple interface to base tools on. More...
class  MapFindFeature
 Provides an interactive feature for finding objects in the map. More...
class  MapGrid
 Class for displaying a grid on a map. More...
class  MapPart
 Represents a part of a map by owning a list of map objects. More...
class  MapPartUndoStep
 A map part undo step handles addition, deletion and renaming of map parts. More...
class  MapperProxyStyle
 MapperProxyStyle customizes the platform's base style. More...
class  MapperServiceProxy
 A class which helps to run a service alongside the application. More...
class  MapPrinter
 MapPrinter provides an interface to print a map (to a printer or file). More...
class  MapPrinterConfig
 MapPrintParameters contains all options that control printing and provides methods for saving and loading. More...
class  MapPrinterOptions
 MapPrinterOptions control how the map is rendered. More...
class  MapPrinterPageFormat
 The MapPrinterPageFormat is a complete description of page properties. More...
class  MapRenderables
 A high-level container for renderables of multiple objects grouped by color priority, object and common render attributes. More...
class  MapView
 Stores view position, zoom, rotation and grid / template visibilities to define a view onto a map. More...
class  MapWidget
 QWidget for displaying a map. More...
class  Matrix
 Dynamically sized matrix of doubles. More...
class  MeasureWidget
 The widget which is shown in a dock widget when the measure tool is active. More...
class  ModifierKey
 A class that helps to deal efficiently with platform and localization issues of modifier keys. More...
class  NewMapDialog
 Dialog for creating a new map. More...
class  NoOpUndoStep
 An undo step which does nothing. More...
class  Object
 Abstract base class which combines coordinates and a symbol to form an object (in a map, or inside a point symbol as one of its elements). More...
class  ObjectCreatingUndoStep
 Base class for undo steps which add new objects to the map. More...
class  ObjectModifyingUndoStep
 Base class for undo steps which modify objects of a single map part. More...
class  ObjectMover
 Implements the logic to move sets of objects and / or object points for edit tools. More...
struct  ObjectPathCoord
 A single PathCoord together with the object it belongs to. More...
class  ObjectQuery
 Utility to match objects based on tag values. More...
class  ObjectQueryParser
 Utility to construct object queries from text. More...
class  ObjectRenderables
 A high-level container for all renderables of a single object, grouped by color priority and common render attributes. More...
class  ObjectSelector
 Implements the object selection logic for edit tools. More...
class  ObjectTagsUndoStep
 Undo step which modifies object tags. More...
class  OCAD8FileExport
 Exporter for OCD version 8 files. More...
class  OCAD8FileFormat
 Representation of the format used by OCAD 8. More...
class  OCAD8FileImport
 Importer for OCD version 8 files. More...
class  OcdFileExport
 An exporter for OCD files. More...
class  OcdFileFormat
 The map file format known as OC*D. More...
class  OcdFileImport
 An map file importer for OC*D files. More...
struct  OcdGeorefFields
 OCD type 1039 string field values packed in a struct for convenient handling. More...
struct  OcdIcon
 A utility for converting OCD icons. More...
class  OgrFileExport
 An Exporter to geospatial vector data supported by OGR. More...
class  OgrFileExportFormat
class  OgrFileImport
 An Importer for geospatial vector data supported by OGR. More...
class  OgrFileImportFormat
 A FileFormat for geospatial vector data supported by OGR. More...
class  OgrTemplate
 A Template which displays a file supported by OGR (geospatial vector data). More...
class  OverridingShortcut
 OverridingShortcut is a variation of QShortcut which takes precedence over other listeners for the same key sequence. More...
class  PainterConfig
 PainterConfig contains painter configuration information. More...
class  PaintOnTemplatePaletteWidget
 A color selection widget for PaintOnTemplateTool. More...
class  PaintOnTemplateSelectDialog
 Template selection dialog for PaintOnTemplateTool. More...
class  PaintOnTemplateTool
 A tool to paint on image templates. More...
class  PanTool
 Tool to pan the map. More...
struct  PassPoint
 Pair of source and destination coordinates used to calculate transformations. More...
class  PassPointList
 List of pass points with methods for transformation calculation. More...
class  PathCoord
 A PathCoord represents a node in a polygonal approximation of a path. More...
class  PathCoordVector
class  PathObject
 Object type which can be used for line, area and combined symbols. More...
class  PathPart
 Helper class with information about parts of paths. More...
class  PathPartVector
class  PercentageDelegate
 A item delegate which provides a spinbox editor for values in the range 0.0 ... More...
class  PieMenu
 Displays a pie menu. More...
class  PointHandles
 This class deals with anchor and control points for objects. More...
class  PointObject
 Object type which can only be used for point symbols, and is also the only object which can be used with them. More...
class  PointSymbol
 Symbol for PointObjects. More...
class  PointSymbolEditorActivity
 PointSymbolEditorActivity draws a small cross in the origin of the map coordinate system. More...
class  PointSymbolEditorTool
 PointSymbolEditorActivity allows to add or modify coordinates of point symbol elements by clicking in the map. More...
class  PointSymbolEditorWidget
 A Widget for editing point symbol definitions. More...
class  PointSymbolSettings
class  PowershellPositionPlugin
 A plugin for properly registering PowershellPositionSource. More...
class  PowershellPositionSource
 A Windows position source based on Powershell's access to Windows.Device.Location. More...
class  PrintProgressDialog
 PrintProgressDialog is a variation of QProgressDialog to be used with MapPrinter. More...
class  PrintTool
 The PrintTool lets the user see and modify the print area on the map by dragging. More...
class  PrintWidget
 The print widget lets the user adjust targets and parameters for printing and export. More...
struct  ProjTransform
 A utility which encapsulates PROJ API variants and resource management. More...
class  ProtectedSymbolDecorator
 Draws the decoration for a protected symbol. More...
class  RecordingTranslator
 A QTranslator variation that doesn't actually translate, but instead dumps (TODO: records) the strings to be translated. More...
class  Renderable
 A Renderable is a graphical item with a simple shape and a single color. More...
class  RenderConfig
 This class contains rendering configuration values. More...
class  ReopenTemplateDialog
 Dialog showing a list of closed templates. More...
class  ReplaceObjectsUndoStep
 Map undo step which replaces all affected objects by another set of objects. More...
class  ReplaceSymbolSetDialog
 Dialog and tool for replacing the map's symbol set with another. More...
class  RotateMapDialog
 Dialog for rotating the whole map around a point. More...
class  RotatePatternTool
 Tool to rotate patterns of area objects, or to set the direction of rotatable point objects. More...
class  RotateTool
 Tool to rotate objects. More...
class  ScaleMapDialog
 Dialog for scaling the whole map. More...
class  ScaleTool
 Tool to scale objects. More...
class  ScopedMultiSignalsBlocker
 A safe and scoped wrapper around QObject::blockSignals() of multiple objects. More...
class  SegmentedButtonLayout
 SegmentedButtonLayout is a horizontal box layout with no margin and no spacing which will mark the contained widgets as being segments having a left and/or right neighbor. More...
class  SelectCRSDialog
 Dialog to select a coordinate reference system (CRS) More...
class  SensorsSettingsPage
class  Settings
 Singleton which handles the global application settings. More...
class  SettingsDialog
 A dialog for editing Mapper's settings. More...
class  SettingsPage
 A widget which serves as a page in the SettingsDialog. More...
class  SharedRenderables
 A shared high-level container for renderables grouped by common render attributes. More...
class  SnappingToolHelper
 Helper class to snap to existing objects or a grid on the map. More...
struct  SnappingToolHelperSnapInfo
 Information returned from a snap process from SnappingToolHelper. More...
class  SpinBoxDelegate
 A QItemDelegate which provides an editor of type (integer) spin box. More...
class  SplitPathCoord
 An arbitrary position on a path. More...
struct  SpotColorComponent
 The SpotColorComponent datatype describes the use of a spot color in a screen or overprint to create another color. More...
class  StorageLocation
 Provides information about document storage locations. More...
class  SwitchDashesUndoStep
 Map undo step which reverses the directions of referenced objects,. More...
class  SwitchPartUndoStep
 Map undo step which assigns the referenced objects to another part. More...
class  SwitchSymbolUndoStep
 Map undo step which changes the symbols of referenced objects. More...
class  Symbol
 Abstract base class for map symbols. More...
class  SymbolDropDown
 Drop down combobox for selecting a symbol. More...
class  SymbolDropDownDelegate
 Qt item delegate for SymbolDropDown. More...
class  SymbolIconDecorator
 An abstract interface for classes which draws icon decorations. More...
class  SymbolPropertiesWidget
 A widget for editing groups of properties of a symbol. More...
class  SymbolRenderWidget
 Shows all symbols from a map in a size-constrained widget. More...
struct  SymbolRule
 This struct defines a single symbol assignment rule. More...
class  SymbolRuleSet
 An utility for assigning symbols to objects based on queries. More...
class  SymbolSettingDialog
 A dialog for editing symbol properties. More...
class  SymbolToolTip
 A SymbolToolTip displays the name and description of a symbol. More...
class  SymbolWidget
 Shows all symbols from a map in a scrollable widget. More...
class  TagSelectWidget
 This widget allows the user to make selections based on an objects tags. More...
class  TagsWidget
 This widget allows for display and editing of tags, i.e. More...
class  TaskDialog
 Shows a dialog similar to a message box, but with the option to add one or multiple command buttons to be able to offer more and well-described actions to the user. More...
class  Template
 Abstract base class for templates. More...
class  TemplateAdjustActivity
 Activity which allows the positioning of a template by specifying source-destination pass point pairs. More...
class  TemplateAdjustAddTool
 Tool to add a new pass point. More...
class  TemplateAdjustDeleteTool
 Tool to delete pass points. More...
class  TemplateAdjustDockWidget
 Custom QDockWidget which closes the assigned activity when it is closed. More...
class  TemplateAdjustEditTool
 Base class for tools which involve selecting pass points for editing. More...
class  TemplateAdjustMoveTool
 Tool to move pass points. More...
class  TemplateAdjustWidget
 The widget contained in a TemplateAdjustDockWidget. More...
class  TemplateImage
 Template showing a raster image. More...
class  TemplateImageOpenDialog
 Initial setting dialog when opening a raster image as template, asking for how to position the image. More...
class  TemplateListWidget
 Widget showing the list of templates, including the map layer. More...
class  TemplateMap
 Template displaying a map file. More...
class  TemplateMoveTool
 Tool to move a template by hand. More...
class  TemplatePositionDockWidget
 Dock widget allowing to enter template positioning properties numerically. More...
class  TemplatePositioningDialog
 Dialog allowing for positioning of a template. More...
class  TemplateTrack
 A template consisting of a set of tracks (polylines) and waypoints. More...
struct  TemplateTransform
 Transformation parameters for non-georeferenced templates, transforming template coordinates to map coordinates. More...
class  TemplateVisibility
 Contains the visibility information for a template (or the map). More...
class  TextBrowser
 A text browser which handles .txt files. More...
class  TextBrowserDialog
 A dialog for basic browsing of HTML pages. More...
class  TextDocItemDelegate
 This delegate renders items as QTextDocument objects. More...
class  TextFramingRenderable
 Renderable for displaying framing line for text. More...
class  TextObject
 A text object. More...
class  TextObjectAlignmentDockWidget
 A widget for setting text alignment. More...
class  TextObjectEditorHelper
 Helper class for editing the text of a TextObject. More...
struct  TextObjectLineInfo
 TextObjectLineInfo contains layout information for a single line in a longer text. More...
class  TextObjectPartInfo
 TextObjectPartInfo contains layout information for a continuous sequence of printable characters in a longer text. More...
class  TextRenderable
 Renderable for displaying text. More...
class  TextSymbol
 Symbol for text, can be applied to TextObjects. More...
class  TextSymbolSettings
class  Toast
 A Toast displays a short message for a few seconds. More...
class  TouchCursor
 Handles drawing and controlling a helper cursor inside the map widget for the mobile UI. More...
class  Track
 Stores a set of tracks and / or waypoints, e.g. More...
struct  TrackPoint
 A geographic point with optional attributes such as time. More...
class  TranslationUtil
 A simplified interface to searching and loading translations. More...
class  UndoManager
 Manages the history of steps for undoing and redoing changes to a map. More...
class  UndoStep
 Abstract base class for map editing undo steps. More...
class  UTMZoneEdit
class  VirtualCoordVector
 The VirtualCoordVector class provides read-only access to possible distinct coordinates and flags. More...
class  VirtualFlagsVector
 The VirtualFlagsVector class provides read-only access to a MapCoordVector. More...
class  VirtualPath
 A VirtualPath class represents a single path out of a sequence of coords and flags. More...
struct  WorldFile
 Handles pixel-to-world transformations given by world files. More...
class  XmlElementReader
 The XmlElementReader helps to read a single element in an XML document. More...
class  XmlElementWriter
 The XmlElementWriter helps to construct a single element in an XML document. More...
class  XMLFileExporter
 Map exporter for the xml based map format. More...
class  XMLFileFormat
 Interface for dealing with XML files of maps. More...
class  XMLFileImporter
 Map importer for the xml based map format. More...
class  XmlRecoveryHelper
 This class provides recovery from invalid characters in an XML stream. More...


typedef std::vector< SpotColorComponentSpotColorComponents
 The SpotColorComponents type is a STL container that stores all SpotColorComponent elements which make up a particular map color. More...
using MapCoordVector = std::vector< MapCoord >
using MapCoordVectorF = std::vector< MapCoordF >
using SymbolDictionary = QHash< QString, Symbol * >
using SelectionInfoVector = std::vector< std::pair< int, Object * > >
typedef std::vector< Renderable * > RenderableVector
 A low-level container for renderables. More...
typedef std::map< const Object *, SharedRenderables::PointerObjectRenderablesMap
 A low-level container for renderables of multiple objects grouped by object and common render attributes. More...
using length_type = PathCoord::length_type


QDebug operator<< (QDebug dbg, const Georeferencing &georef)
 Dumps a Georeferencing to the debug output. More...
QDebug operator<< (QDebug dbg, const LatLon &lat_lon)
 Dumps a LatLon to the debug output. More...
bool operator== (const SpotColorComponents &lhs, const SpotColorComponents &rhs)
 Returns true if for each element in lhs, there is an element of equal color and factor in rhs. More...
bool operator== (const MapColorCmyk &lhs, const MapColorCmyk &rhs)
 Returns true iff the MapColorCmyk are equal in all components. More...
bool operator!= (const MapColorCmyk &lhs, const MapColorCmyk &rhs)
 Returns true iff the MapColorCmyk differ in at least one components. More...
bool operator== (const MapColorRgb &lhs, const MapColorRgb &rhs)
 Returns true if both MapColorRgb are equal in all components. More...
bool operator!= (const MapColorRgb &lhs, const MapColorRgb &rhs)
 Returns true iff the MapColorRgb differ in at least one components. More...
bool operator== (const MapColor &lhs, const MapColor &rhs)
 Returns true if both MapColor are equal in all components. More...
bool operator!= (const MapColor &lhs, const MapColor &rhs)
 Returns true iff the MapColor differ in at least one components. More...
template<class T >
QColor colorWithOpacity (T c, float opacity)
 Constructs a QColor with the alpha given by opacity from the prototype c. More...
QColor colorWithOpacity (const MapColor &c)
 Constructs a QColor with opacity from the given MapColor. More...
constexpr bool operator== (const MapCoord &lhs, const MapCoord &rhs)
 Compare MapCoord for equality. More...
constexpr bool operator!= (const MapCoord &lhs, const MapCoord &rhs)
 Compare MapCoord for inequality. More...
constexpr MapCoord operator+ (const MapCoord &lhs, const MapCoord &rhs)
 Component-wise addition of MapCoord. More...
constexpr MapCoord operator+ (const MapCoord &lhs, const QPointF &rhs)
 Component-wise addition of MapCoord and MapCoordF/QPointF. More...
constexpr MapCoord operator- (const MapCoord &lhs, const MapCoord &rhs)
 Component-wise subtraction of MapCoord. More...
constexpr MapCoord operator- (const MapCoord &lhs, const QPointF &rhs)
 Component-wise subtraction of MapCoord and MapCoordF/QPointF. More...
constexpr MapCoord operator* (const MapCoord &lhs, qreal factor)
 Multiply MapCoord with scalar factor. More...
constexpr MapCoord operator* (qreal factor, const MapCoord &rhs)
 Multiply MapCoord with scalar factor. More...
constexpr MapCoord operator/ (const MapCoord &lhs, qreal divisor)
 Divide MapCoord by scalar factor. More...
constexpr const MapCoordF operator+ (const MapCoordF &lhs, const MapCoordF &rhs)
constexpr const MapCoordF operator- (const MapCoordF &lhs, const MapCoordF &rhs)
constexpr const MapCoordF operator* (const MapCoordF &lhs, qreal factor)
constexpr const MapCoordF operator* (qreal factor, const MapCoordF &rhs)
constexpr const MapCoordF operator/ (const MapCoordF &lhs, qreal divisor)
constexpr MapCoord operator* (const MapCoord &lhs, double factor)
constexpr MapCoord operator* (double factor, const MapCoord &rhs)
constexpr MapCoord operator/ (const MapCoord &lhs, double divisor)
bool operator== (const MapGrid &lhs, const MapGrid &rhs)
 Compares two map grid objects. More...
bool operator!= (const MapGrid &lhs, const MapGrid &rhs)
 Compares two map grid objects for inequality. More...
bool operator== (const MapPrinterPageFormat &lhs, const MapPrinterPageFormat &rhs)
 Returns true iff the MapPrinterPageFormat values are equal. More...
bool operator== (const MapPrinterOptions &lhs, const MapPrinterOptions &rhs)
 Returns true iff the MapPrinterOptions values are equal. More...
bool operator== (const MapPrinterConfig &lhs, const MapPrinterConfig &rhs)
 Returns true iff the MapPrinterConfig values are equal. More...
bool operator!= (const MapPrinterPageFormat &lhs, const MapPrinterPageFormat &rhs)
 Returns true iff the MapPrinterPageFormat values are not equal. More...
bool operator!= (const MapPrinterOptions &lhs, const MapPrinterOptions &rhs)
 Returns true iff the MapPrinterOptions values are not equal. More...
bool operator!= (const MapPrinterConfig &lhs, const MapPrinterConfig &rhs)
 Returns true iff the MapPrinterConfig values are not equal. More...
bool operator== (TemplateVisibility lhs, TemplateVisibility rhs)
bool operator!= (TemplateVisibility lhs, TemplateVisibility rhs)
bool operator== (const MapCoord &lhs, const ClipperLib::IntPoint &rhs)
 Compares a MapCoord and ClipperLib::IntPoint. More...
bool operator== (const ClipperLib::IntPoint &lhs, const MapCoord &rhs)
 Compares a MapCoord and ClipperLib::IntPoint. More...
bool operator< (const PathObject::Intersection &lhs, const PathObject::Intersection &rhs)
 Compares the length of the intersections. More...
bool operator== (const PathObject::Intersection &lhs, const PathObject::Intersection &rhs)
 Fuzzy equality check. More...
bool operator== (const ObjectQuery::StringOperands &lhs, const ObjectQuery::StringOperands &rhs)
bool operator== (const ObjectQuery &lhs, const ObjectQuery &rhs)
bool operator!= (const ObjectQuery &lhs, const ObjectQuery &rhs)
bool operator!= (const ObjectQuery::StringOperands &lhs, const ObjectQuery::StringOperands &rhs)
 Q_STATIC_ASSERT (std::is_nothrow_constructible< SymbolRule >::value)
 Q_STATIC_ASSERT (std::is_nothrow_default_constructible< SymbolRule >::value)
 Q_STATIC_ASSERT (std::is_copy_constructible< SymbolRule >::value)
 Q_STATIC_ASSERT (std::is_nothrow_move_constructible< SymbolRule >::value)
 Q_STATIC_ASSERT (std::is_nothrow_destructible< SymbolRule >::value)
 Q_STATIC_ASSERT (std::is_copy_assignable< SymbolRule >::value)
 Q_STATIC_ASSERT (std::is_nothrow_move_assignable< SymbolRule >::value)
 Q_STATIC_ASSERT (std::is_nothrow_constructible< SymbolRuleSet >::value)
 Q_STATIC_ASSERT (std::is_nothrow_default_constructible< SymbolRuleSet >::value)
 Q_STATIC_ASSERT (std::is_copy_constructible< SymbolRuleSet >::value)
 Q_STATIC_ASSERT (std::is_nothrow_move_constructible< SymbolRuleSet >::value)
 Q_STATIC_ASSERT (std::is_nothrow_destructible< SymbolRuleSet >::value)
 Q_STATIC_ASSERT (std::is_copy_assignable< SymbolRuleSet >::value)
 Q_STATIC_ASSERT (std::is_nothrow_move_assignable< SymbolRuleSet >::value)
bool operator== (const PainterConfig &lhs, const PainterConfig &rhs)
 Returns true if the configurations are equal. More...
bool operator!= (const PainterConfig &lhs, const PainterConfig &rhs)
 Returns true if the configurations are not equal. More...
bool operator< (const PainterConfig &lhs, const PainterConfig &rhs)
 Defines an order over values which are not equal. More...
void AreaSymbol::FillPattern::createLine< AreaSymbol::FillPattern::LinePattern > (MapCoordF first, MapCoordF second, qreal, LineSymbol *line, qreal, const AreaRenderable &, ObjectRenderables &output) const
void AreaSymbol::FillPattern::createLine< AreaSymbol::FillPattern::PointPattern > (MapCoordF first, MapCoordF second, qreal delta_offset, LineSymbol *, qreal rotation, const AreaRenderable &outline, ObjectRenderables &output) const
bool operator== (const LineSymbolBorder &lhs, const LineSymbolBorder &rhs) noexcept
bool operator!= (const LineSymbolBorder &lhs, const LineSymbolBorder &rhs) noexcept
template<class S >
std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< Symbol, S >::value, std::unique_ptr< S > >::type duplicate (const S &s)
 Duplicates a symbol. More...
bool operator== (const TrackPoint &lhs, const TrackPoint &rhs)
bool operator== (const Track &lhs, const Track &rhs)
 Compares waypoints, segments, and track points for equality. More...
bool operator!= (const TrackPoint &lhs, const TrackPoint &rhs)
bool operator!= (const Track &lhs, const Track &rhs)
QTextCodecOcdFileExport::determineEncoding< Ocd::Custom8BitEncoding > ()
void OcdFileExport::setupIcon< Ocd::BaseSymbolV8 > (const Symbol *symbol, Ocd::BaseSymbolV8 &ocd_base_symbol)
void OcdFileExport::exportAreaSymbolSpecial< Ocd::AreaSymbolV8 > (const AreaSymbol *, Ocd::AreaSymbolV8 &ocd_area_symbol)
void OcdFileExport::setupTextSymbolExtra< Ocd::TextSymbolV8 > (const TextSymbol *, Ocd::TextSymbolV8 &ocd_text_symbol)
QByteArray OcdFileExport::exportCombinedAreaSymbol< Ocd::AreaSymbolV8 > (quint32, const CombinedSymbol *, const AreaSymbol *, const LineSymbol *)
void OcdFileExport::handleObjectExtras< Ocd::ObjectV8 > (const Object *, Ocd::ObjectV8 &ocd_object, typename Ocd::ObjectV8::IndexEntryType &)
QString OcdFileImport::convertOcdString< Ocd::Custom8BitEncoding > (const char *src, uint len) const
QString OcdFileImport::convertOcdString< Ocd::Utf8Encoding > (const char *src, uint len) const
void OcdFileImport::setupIcon< Ocd::BaseSymbolV8 > (Symbol *symbol, const Ocd::BaseSymbolV8 &ocd_base_symbol)
void OcdFileImport::dropRedundantIcon< Ocd::BaseSymbolV8 > (Symbol *symbol, const Ocd::BaseSymbolV8 &ocd_base_symbol)
bool operator== (const OcdGeorefFields &lhs, const OcdGeorefFields &rhs)
 Equal-to operator comparing this structure with another. More...
bool operator!= (const OcdGeorefFields &lhs, const OcdGeorefFields &rhs)
 Trivial non-equal-to operator. More...
void doStaticInitializations ()
 This is called at startup in main() and by the test cases to do the global initializations. More...
 Q_STATIC_ASSERT (Georeferencing::declinationPrecision()==Util::InputProperties< Util::RotationalDegrees >::decimals())
float connectPaths_FindClosestEnd (const std::vector< Object *> &objects, const PathObject *a, int a_index, PathPartVector::size_type path_part_a, bool path_part_a_begin, PathObject **out_b, int *out_b_index, int *out_path_part_b, bool *out_path_part_b_begin)
 Q_STATIC_ASSERT (std::is_standard_layout< TemplateTransform >::value)
 Q_STATIC_ASSERT (std::is_nothrow_default_constructible< TemplateTransform >::value)
 Q_STATIC_ASSERT (std::is_nothrow_copy_constructible< TemplateTransform >::value)
 Q_STATIC_ASSERT (std::is_nothrow_move_constructible< TemplateTransform >::value)
 Q_STATIC_ASSERT (std::is_nothrow_copy_assignable< TemplateTransform >::value)
 Q_STATIC_ASSERT (std::is_nothrow_move_assignable< TemplateTransform >::value)
bool operator== (const TemplateTransform &lhs, const TemplateTransform &rhs) noexcept
bool operator!= (const TemplateTransform &lhs, const TemplateTransform &rhs) noexcept
 Q_STATIC_ASSERT (UndoManager::max_undo_steps< std::numeric_limits< int >::max())
bool operator< (const TranslationUtil::Language &first, const TranslationUtil::Language &second)
void blockSignalsRecursively (QObject *obj, bool block)
 (Un-)blocks recursively all signals from a QObject and its child-objects. More...
void rectInclude (QRectF &rect, const QPointF &point)
 Enlarges the rect to include the given point. More...
void rectIncludeSafe (QRectF &rect, const QPointF &point)
 Enlarges the rect to include the given point. More...
void rectInclude (QRectF &rect, const QRectF &other_rect)
 Enlarges the rect to include the given other_rect. More...
void rectIncludeSafe (QRectF &rect, const QRectF &other_rect)
 Enlarges the rect to include the given other_rect. More...
void rectIncludeSafe (QRect &rect, const QRect &other_rect)
 Enlarges the rect to include the given other_rect. More...
bool lineIntersectsRect (const QRectF &rect, const QPointF &p1, const QPointF &p2)
 Checks for line - rect intersection. More...
double parameterOfPointOnLine (double x0, double y0, double dx, double dy, double x, double y, bool &ok)
 Calculates the line parameter for a point on a straight line. More...
bool isPointOnSegment (const MapCoordF &seg_start, const MapCoordF &seg_end, const MapCoordF &point)
 Checks if the point is on the segment defined by the given start and end coordinates. More...
QRectF infiniteRectF ()
 Returns a practically "infinitely" big QRectF. More...
double fmod_pos (double x, double y)
 Modulus calculation like fmod(x, y), but works correctly for negative x. More...
void writeLineBreak (QXmlStreamWriter &xml)
 Writes a line break to the XML stream unless auto formatting is active. More...
QString numberToString (double value, int precision)
 Returns the number of characters which are significant for input/output. More...
bool operator== (const TranslationUtil::Language &first, const TranslationUtil::Language &second)


QPointer< QTranslatormap_symbol_translator {}
 The translator for color and symbol texts. More...
constexpr bool qstring_is_nothrow_copy_constructible = std::is_nothrow_copy_constructible<QString>::value
constexpr bool qstring_is_nothrow_move_constructible = std::is_nothrow_move_constructible<QString>::value
constexpr bool qstring_is_nothrow_copy_assignable = std::is_nothrow_copy_assignable<QString>::value
constexpr bool qstring_is_nothrow_move_assignable = std::is_nothrow_move_assignable<QString>::value
FileFormatRegistry FileFormats
 A FileFormatRegistry that is globally defined for convenience. More...
const float touch_pos_offset_mm = 25
const float control_ring_radius_mm = 9.5f

Typedef Documentation

◆ length_type

◆ MapCoordVector

◆ MapCoordVectorF

◆ ObjectRenderablesMap

A low-level container for renderables of multiple objects grouped by object and common render attributes.

This container uses a smart pointer to the renderable collection of each single object.

◆ RenderableVector

A low-level container for renderables.

◆ SelectionInfoVector

typedef std::vector< std::pair< int, Object * > > OpenOrienteering::SelectionInfoVector

◆ SpotColorComponents

The SpotColorComponents type is a STL container that stores all SpotColorComponent elements which make up a particular map color.

◆ SymbolDictionary

Function Documentation

◆ AreaSymbol::FillPattern::createLine< AreaSymbol::FillPattern::LinePattern >()

void OpenOrienteering::AreaSymbol::FillPattern::createLine< AreaSymbol::FillPattern::LinePattern > ( MapCoordF  first,
MapCoordF  second,
qreal  ,
LineSymbol line,
qreal  ,
const AreaRenderable ,
ObjectRenderables output 
) const

◆ AreaSymbol::FillPattern::createLine< AreaSymbol::FillPattern::PointPattern >()

void OpenOrienteering::AreaSymbol::FillPattern::createLine< AreaSymbol::FillPattern::PointPattern > ( MapCoordF  first,
MapCoordF  second,
qreal  delta_offset,
LineSymbol ,
qreal  rotation,
const AreaRenderable outline,
ObjectRenderables output 
) const

◆ blockSignalsRecursively()

void OpenOrienteering::blockSignalsRecursively ( QObject obj,
bool  block 

(Un-)blocks recursively all signals from a QObject and its child-objects.

◆ colorWithOpacity() [1/2]

template<class T >
QColor OpenOrienteering::colorWithOpacity ( c,
float  opacity 

Constructs a QColor with the alpha given by opacity from the prototype c.

A QColor object must be constructible from c.

◆ colorWithOpacity() [2/2]

QColor OpenOrienteering::colorWithOpacity ( const MapColor c)

Constructs a QColor with opacity from the given MapColor.

◆ connectPaths_FindClosestEnd()

float OpenOrienteering::connectPaths_FindClosestEnd ( const std::vector< Object *> &  objects,
const PathObject a,
int  a_index,
PathPartVector::size_type  path_part_a,
bool  path_part_a_begin,
PathObject **  out_b,
int *  out_b_index,
int *  out_path_part_b,
bool out_path_part_b_begin 
Review use of container API

◆ doStaticInitializations()

void OpenOrienteering::doStaticInitializations ( )

This is called at startup in main() and by the test cases to do the global initializations.

◆ duplicate()

template<class S >
std::enable_if<std::is_base_of<Symbol, S>::value, std::unique_ptr<S> >::type OpenOrienteering::duplicate ( const S &  s)

Duplicates a symbol.

This free template function mitigates the incompatibility of std::unique_ptr with covariant return types when duplicating instances of the polymorphic type Symbol.


AreaSymbol s; auto s1 = duplicate(s); // unique_ptr<AreaSymbol> auto s2 = duplicate<Symbol>(s); // unique_ptr<Symbol> std::unique_ptr<Symbol> s3 = std::move(s1);

◆ fmod_pos()

double OpenOrienteering::fmod_pos ( double  x,
double  y 

Modulus calculation like fmod(x, y), but works correctly for negative x.

◆ infiniteRectF()

QRectF OpenOrienteering::infiniteRectF ( )

Returns a practically "infinitely" big QRectF.

◆ isPointOnSegment()

bool OpenOrienteering::isPointOnSegment ( const MapCoordF seg_start,
const MapCoordF seg_end,
const MapCoordF point 

Checks if the point is on the segment defined by the given start and end coordinates.

◆ lineIntersectsRect()

bool OpenOrienteering::lineIntersectsRect ( const QRectF rect,
const QPointF p1,
const QPointF p2 

Checks for line - rect intersection.

◆ numberToString()

QString OpenOrienteering::numberToString ( double  value,
int  precision 

Returns the number of characters which are significant for input/output.

◆ OcdFileExport::determineEncoding< Ocd::Custom8BitEncoding >()

◆ OcdFileExport::exportAreaSymbolSpecial< Ocd::AreaSymbolV8 >()

◆ OcdFileExport::exportCombinedAreaSymbol< Ocd::AreaSymbolV8 >()

◆ OcdFileExport::handleObjectExtras< Ocd::ObjectV8 >()

◆ OcdFileExport::setupIcon< Ocd::BaseSymbolV8 >()

void OpenOrienteering::OcdFileExport::setupIcon< Ocd::BaseSymbolV8 > ( const Symbol symbol,
Ocd::BaseSymbolV8 ocd_base_symbol 

◆ OcdFileExport::setupTextSymbolExtra< Ocd::TextSymbolV8 >()

◆ OcdFileImport::convertOcdString< Ocd::Custom8BitEncoding >()

QString OpenOrienteering::OcdFileImport::convertOcdString< Ocd::Custom8BitEncoding > ( const char *  src,
uint  len 
) const

◆ OcdFileImport::convertOcdString< Ocd::Utf8Encoding >()

QString OpenOrienteering::OcdFileImport::convertOcdString< Ocd::Utf8Encoding > ( const char *  src,
uint  len 
) const

◆ OcdFileImport::dropRedundantIcon< Ocd::BaseSymbolV8 >()

void OpenOrienteering::OcdFileImport::dropRedundantIcon< Ocd::BaseSymbolV8 > ( Symbol symbol,
const Ocd::BaseSymbolV8 ocd_base_symbol 

◆ OcdFileImport::setupIcon< Ocd::BaseSymbolV8 >()

void OpenOrienteering::OcdFileImport::setupIcon< Ocd::BaseSymbolV8 > ( Symbol symbol,
const Ocd::BaseSymbolV8 ocd_base_symbol 

◆ operator!=() [1/17]

bool OpenOrienteering::operator!= ( const TrackPoint lhs,
const TrackPoint rhs 

◆ operator!=() [2/17]

bool OpenOrienteering::operator!= ( TemplateVisibility  lhs,
TemplateVisibility  rhs 

◆ operator!=() [3/17]

bool OpenOrienteering::operator!= ( const OcdGeorefFields lhs,
const OcdGeorefFields rhs 

Trivial non-equal-to operator.

See also
operator==(const OcdGeorefFields&, const OcdGeorefFields&)

◆ operator!=() [4/17]

bool OpenOrienteering::operator!= ( const LineSymbolBorder lhs,
const LineSymbolBorder rhs 

◆ operator!=() [5/17]

bool OpenOrienteering::operator!= ( const MapColorCmyk lhs,
const MapColorCmyk rhs 

Returns true iff the MapColorCmyk differ in at least one components.

◆ operator!=() [6/17]

bool OpenOrienteering::operator!= ( const MapPrinterPageFormat lhs,
const MapPrinterPageFormat rhs 

Returns true iff the MapPrinterPageFormat values are not equal.

◆ operator!=() [7/17]

bool OpenOrienteering::operator!= ( const MapColorRgb lhs,
const MapColorRgb rhs 

Returns true iff the MapColorRgb differ in at least one components.

◆ operator!=() [8/17]

bool OpenOrienteering::operator!= ( const TemplateTransform lhs,
const TemplateTransform rhs 

◆ operator!=() [9/17]

bool OpenOrienteering::operator!= ( const Track lhs,
const Track rhs 

◆ operator!=() [10/17]

bool OpenOrienteering::operator!= ( const MapGrid lhs,
const MapGrid rhs 

Compares two map grid objects for inequality.

true if the objects are not equal, false otherwise

◆ operator!=() [11/17]

bool OpenOrienteering::operator!= ( const ObjectQuery lhs,
const ObjectQuery rhs 

◆ operator!=() [12/17]

bool OpenOrienteering::operator!= ( const ObjectQuery::StringOperands lhs,
const ObjectQuery::StringOperands rhs 

◆ operator!=() [13/17]

bool OpenOrienteering::operator!= ( const PainterConfig lhs,
const PainterConfig rhs 

Returns true if the configurations are not equal.

◆ operator!=() [14/17]

bool OpenOrienteering::operator!= ( const MapColor lhs,
const MapColor rhs 

Returns true iff the MapColor differ in at least one components.

◆ operator!=() [15/17]

constexpr bool OpenOrienteering::operator!= ( const MapCoord lhs,
const MapCoord rhs 

Compare MapCoord for inequality.

◆ operator!=() [16/17]

bool OpenOrienteering::operator!= ( const MapPrinterOptions lhs,
const MapPrinterOptions rhs 

Returns true iff the MapPrinterOptions values are not equal.

◆ operator!=() [17/17]

bool OpenOrienteering::operator!= ( const MapPrinterConfig lhs,
const MapPrinterConfig rhs 

Returns true iff the MapPrinterConfig values are not equal.

◆ operator*() [1/6]

constexpr MapCoord OpenOrienteering::operator* ( const MapCoord lhs,
qreal  factor 

Multiply MapCoord with scalar factor.

◆ operator*() [2/6]

constexpr MapCoord OpenOrienteering::operator* ( qreal  factor,
const MapCoord rhs 

Multiply MapCoord with scalar factor.

◆ operator*() [3/6]

constexpr const MapCoordF OpenOrienteering::operator* ( const MapCoordF lhs,
qreal  factor 

◆ operator*() [4/6]

constexpr const MapCoordF OpenOrienteering::operator* ( qreal  factor,
const MapCoordF rhs 

◆ operator*() [5/6]

constexpr MapCoord OpenOrienteering::operator* ( const MapCoord lhs,
double  factor 

◆ operator*() [6/6]

constexpr MapCoord OpenOrienteering::operator* ( double  factor,
const MapCoord rhs 

◆ operator+() [1/3]

constexpr MapCoord OpenOrienteering::operator+ ( const MapCoord lhs,
const MapCoord rhs 

Component-wise addition of MapCoord.

◆ operator+() [2/3]

constexpr MapCoord OpenOrienteering::operator+ ( const MapCoord lhs,
const QPointF rhs 

Component-wise addition of MapCoord and MapCoordF/QPointF.

◆ operator+() [3/3]

constexpr const MapCoordF OpenOrienteering::operator+ ( const MapCoordF lhs,
const MapCoordF rhs 

◆ operator-() [1/3]

constexpr MapCoord OpenOrienteering::operator- ( const MapCoord lhs,
const MapCoord rhs 

Component-wise subtraction of MapCoord.

◆ operator-() [2/3]

constexpr MapCoord OpenOrienteering::operator- ( const MapCoord lhs,
const QPointF rhs 

Component-wise subtraction of MapCoord and MapCoordF/QPointF.

◆ operator-() [3/3]

constexpr const MapCoordF OpenOrienteering::operator- ( const MapCoordF lhs,
const MapCoordF rhs 

◆ operator/() [1/3]

constexpr MapCoord OpenOrienteering::operator/ ( const MapCoord lhs,
qreal  divisor 

Divide MapCoord by scalar factor.

◆ operator/() [2/3]

constexpr const MapCoordF OpenOrienteering::operator/ ( const MapCoordF lhs,
qreal  divisor 

◆ operator/() [3/3]

constexpr MapCoord OpenOrienteering::operator/ ( const MapCoord lhs,
double  divisor 

◆ operator<() [1/3]

bool OpenOrienteering::operator< ( const TranslationUtil::Language first,
const TranslationUtil::Language second 

◆ operator<() [2/3]

bool OpenOrienteering::operator< ( const PainterConfig lhs,
const PainterConfig rhs 

Defines an order over values which are not equal.

◆ operator<() [3/3]

bool OpenOrienteering::operator< ( const PathObject::Intersection lhs,
const PathObject::Intersection rhs 

Compares the length of the intersections.

◆ operator<<() [1/2]

QDebug OpenOrienteering::operator<< ( QDebug  dbg,
const LatLon lat_lon 

Dumps a LatLon to the debug output.

Note that this requires a reference, not a pointer.

◆ operator<<() [2/2]

QDebug OpenOrienteering::operator<< ( QDebug  dbg,
const Georeferencing georef 

Dumps a Georeferencing to the debug output.

Note that this requires a reference, not a pointer.

◆ operator==() [1/22]

bool OpenOrienteering::operator== ( const TranslationUtil::Language first,
const TranslationUtil::Language second 

◆ operator==() [2/22]

bool OpenOrienteering::operator== ( const TrackPoint lhs,
const TrackPoint rhs 

◆ operator==() [3/22]

bool OpenOrienteering::operator== ( TemplateVisibility  lhs,
TemplateVisibility  rhs 

◆ operator==() [4/22]

bool OpenOrienteering::operator== ( const MapColorCmyk lhs,
const MapColorCmyk rhs 

Returns true iff the MapColorCmyk are equal in all components.

◆ operator==() [5/22]

bool OpenOrienteering::operator== ( const MapCoord lhs,
const ClipperLib::IntPoint &  rhs 

Compares a MapCoord and ClipperLib::IntPoint.

◆ operator==() [6/22]

bool OpenOrienteering::operator== ( const ClipperLib::IntPoint &  lhs,
const MapCoord rhs 

Compares a MapCoord and ClipperLib::IntPoint.

◆ operator==() [7/22]

bool OpenOrienteering::operator== ( const LineSymbolBorder lhs,
const LineSymbolBorder rhs 

◆ operator==() [8/22]

bool OpenOrienteering::operator== ( const MapColorRgb lhs,
const MapColorRgb rhs 

Returns true if both MapColorRgb are equal in all components.

◆ operator==() [9/22]

bool OpenOrienteering::operator== ( const SpotColorComponents lhs,
const SpotColorComponents rhs 

Returns true if for each element in lhs, there is an element of equal color and factor in rhs.

◆ operator==() [10/22]

bool OpenOrienteering::operator== ( const MapPrinterPageFormat lhs,
const MapPrinterPageFormat rhs 

Returns true iff the MapPrinterPageFormat values are equal.

◆ operator==() [11/22]

bool OpenOrienteering::operator== ( const TemplateTransform lhs,
const TemplateTransform rhs 

◆ operator==() [12/22]

bool OpenOrienteering::operator== ( const MapPrinterOptions lhs,
const MapPrinterOptions rhs 

Returns true iff the MapPrinterOptions values are equal.

◆ operator==() [13/22]

bool OpenOrienteering::operator== ( const MapGrid lhs,
const MapGrid rhs 

Compares two map grid objects.

true if the objects are equal, false otherwise

◆ operator==() [14/22]

bool OpenOrienteering::operator== ( const PainterConfig lhs,
const PainterConfig rhs 

Returns true if the configurations are equal.

◆ operator==() [15/22]

bool OpenOrienteering::operator== ( const MapPrinterConfig lhs,
const MapPrinterConfig rhs 

Returns true iff the MapPrinterConfig values are equal.

◆ operator==() [16/22]

bool OpenOrienteering::operator== ( const Track lhs,
const Track rhs 

Compares waypoints, segments, and track points for equality.

This operator does not (explicitly) compare the tracks' map georeferencing. When this feature is actually used, it affects the projection to map coordinates, and so its effects are recorded in the waypoints and track points.

◆ operator==() [17/22]

bool OpenOrienteering::operator== ( const MapColor lhs,
const MapColor rhs 

Returns true if both MapColor are equal in all components.

◆ operator==() [18/22]

constexpr bool OpenOrienteering::operator== ( const MapCoord lhs,
const MapCoord rhs 

Compare MapCoord for equality.

◆ operator==() [19/22]

bool OpenOrienteering::operator== ( const ObjectQuery::StringOperands lhs,
const ObjectQuery::StringOperands rhs 

◆ operator==() [20/22]

bool OpenOrienteering::operator== ( const ObjectQuery lhs,
const ObjectQuery rhs 

◆ operator==() [21/22]

bool OpenOrienteering::operator== ( const OcdGeorefFields lhs,
const OcdGeorefFields rhs 

Equal-to operator comparing this structure with another.

Field a gets compared with 8-digit precision.

◆ operator==() [22/22]

bool OpenOrienteering::operator== ( const PathObject::Intersection lhs,
const PathObject::Intersection rhs 

Fuzzy equality check.

◆ parameterOfPointOnLine()

double OpenOrienteering::parameterOfPointOnLine ( double  x0,
double  y0,
double  dx,
double  dy,
double  x,
double  y,
bool ok 

Calculates the line parameter for a point on a straight line.

Sets ok to false in case of an error (if the line is actually a point, or if the test point is not on the line).

x0, y0: line start dx, dy: vector from line start to line end x, y: suspected point on the line to calculate the parameter for so: x0 + parameter * dx = x (and the same for y).

◆ Q_STATIC_ASSERT() [1/22]

OpenOrienteering::Q_STATIC_ASSERT ( )

◆ Q_STATIC_ASSERT() [2/22]

OpenOrienteering::Q_STATIC_ASSERT ( std::is_nothrow_constructible< SymbolRule >::value  )

◆ Q_STATIC_ASSERT() [3/22]

OpenOrienteering::Q_STATIC_ASSERT ( std::is_nothrow_default_constructible< SymbolRule >::value  )

◆ Q_STATIC_ASSERT() [4/22]

OpenOrienteering::Q_STATIC_ASSERT ( std::is_copy_constructible< SymbolRule >::value  )

◆ Q_STATIC_ASSERT() [5/22]

OpenOrienteering::Q_STATIC_ASSERT ( std::is_nothrow_move_constructible< SymbolRule >::value  )

◆ Q_STATIC_ASSERT() [6/22]

OpenOrienteering::Q_STATIC_ASSERT ( std::is_nothrow_destructible< SymbolRule >::value  )

◆ Q_STATIC_ASSERT() [7/22]

OpenOrienteering::Q_STATIC_ASSERT ( std::is_copy_assignable< SymbolRule >::value  )

◆ Q_STATIC_ASSERT() [8/22]

OpenOrienteering::Q_STATIC_ASSERT ( std::is_nothrow_move_assignable< SymbolRule >::value  )

◆ Q_STATIC_ASSERT() [9/22]

OpenOrienteering::Q_STATIC_ASSERT ( std::is_nothrow_constructible< SymbolRuleSet >::value  )

◆ Q_STATIC_ASSERT() [10/22]

OpenOrienteering::Q_STATIC_ASSERT ( std::is_nothrow_default_constructible< SymbolRuleSet >::value  )

◆ Q_STATIC_ASSERT() [11/22]

OpenOrienteering::Q_STATIC_ASSERT ( std::is_copy_constructible< SymbolRuleSet >::value  )

◆ Q_STATIC_ASSERT() [12/22]

OpenOrienteering::Q_STATIC_ASSERT ( std::is_nothrow_move_constructible< SymbolRuleSet >::value  )

◆ Q_STATIC_ASSERT() [13/22]

OpenOrienteering::Q_STATIC_ASSERT ( std::is_nothrow_destructible< SymbolRuleSet >::value  )

◆ Q_STATIC_ASSERT() [14/22]

OpenOrienteering::Q_STATIC_ASSERT ( std::is_copy_assignable< SymbolRuleSet >::value  )

◆ Q_STATIC_ASSERT() [15/22]

OpenOrienteering::Q_STATIC_ASSERT ( std::is_nothrow_move_assignable< SymbolRuleSet >::value  )

◆ Q_STATIC_ASSERT() [16/22]

OpenOrienteering::Q_STATIC_ASSERT ( Georeferencing::declinationPrecision()  = =Util::InputPropertiesUtil::RotationalDegrees >::decimals())

◆ Q_STATIC_ASSERT() [17/22]

OpenOrienteering::Q_STATIC_ASSERT ( std::is_standard_layout< TemplateTransform >::value  )

◆ Q_STATIC_ASSERT() [18/22]

OpenOrienteering::Q_STATIC_ASSERT ( std::is_nothrow_default_constructible< TemplateTransform >::value  )

◆ Q_STATIC_ASSERT() [19/22]

OpenOrienteering::Q_STATIC_ASSERT ( std::is_nothrow_copy_constructible< TemplateTransform >::value  )

◆ Q_STATIC_ASSERT() [20/22]

OpenOrienteering::Q_STATIC_ASSERT ( std::is_nothrow_move_constructible< TemplateTransform >::value  )

◆ Q_STATIC_ASSERT() [21/22]

OpenOrienteering::Q_STATIC_ASSERT ( std::is_nothrow_copy_assignable< TemplateTransform >::value  )

◆ Q_STATIC_ASSERT() [22/22]

OpenOrienteering::Q_STATIC_ASSERT ( std::is_nothrow_move_assignable< TemplateTransform >::value  )

◆ rectInclude() [1/2]

void OpenOrienteering::rectInclude ( QRectF rect,
const QPointF point 

Enlarges the rect to include the given point.

The given rect must be valid.

See also

◆ rectInclude() [2/2]

void OpenOrienteering::rectInclude ( QRectF rect,
const QRectF other_rect 

Enlarges the rect to include the given other_rect.

Both rectangles must be valid.

See also

◆ rectIncludeSafe() [1/3]

void OpenOrienteering::rectIncludeSafe ( QRectF rect,
const QPointF point 

Enlarges the rect to include the given point.

If the given rect isn't valid, width and height are set to a small positive value.

◆ rectIncludeSafe() [2/3]

void OpenOrienteering::rectIncludeSafe ( QRectF rect,
const QRectF other_rect 

Enlarges the rect to include the given other_rect.

At least one rectangle must be valid.

◆ rectIncludeSafe() [3/3]

void OpenOrienteering::rectIncludeSafe ( QRect rect,
const QRect other_rect 

Enlarges the rect to include the given other_rect.

At least one rectangle must be valid.

Check if QRegion could be used instead.

◆ writeLineBreak()

void OpenOrienteering::writeLineBreak ( QXmlStreamWriter xml)

Writes a line break to the XML stream unless auto formatting is active.

Variable Documentation

◆ control_ring_radius_mm

const float OpenOrienteering::control_ring_radius_mm = 9.5f

◆ FileFormats

FileFormatRegistry OpenOrienteering::FileFormats

A FileFormatRegistry that is globally defined for convenience.

Within the scope of a single application, you can simply use calls of the form "FileFormats.findFormat(...)".

◆ map_symbol_translator

QPointer< QTranslator > OpenOrienteering::map_symbol_translator {}

The translator for color and symbol texts.

This translator is used by class Map but kept outside of the class' namespace in order to allow for forward declaration instead of including "map.h".

◆ qstring_is_nothrow_copy_assignable

constexpr bool OpenOrienteering::qstring_is_nothrow_copy_assignable = std::is_nothrow_copy_assignable<QString>::value

◆ qstring_is_nothrow_copy_constructible

constexpr bool OpenOrienteering::qstring_is_nothrow_copy_constructible = std::is_nothrow_copy_constructible<QString>::value

◆ qstring_is_nothrow_move_assignable

constexpr bool OpenOrienteering::qstring_is_nothrow_move_assignable = std::is_nothrow_move_assignable<QString>::value

◆ qstring_is_nothrow_move_constructible

constexpr bool OpenOrienteering::qstring_is_nothrow_move_constructible = std::is_nothrow_move_constructible<QString>::value

◆ touch_pos_offset_mm

const float OpenOrienteering::touch_pos_offset_mm = 25