User Manual
Installation Instructions to download and install OpenOrienteering.
Introduction to the User Interface Explanation of the home screen and main drawing window.
The Touch Mode User Interface Using the Mapper app in “Touch Mode”.
The Mapper app for Android Working with the Android version of Mapper.
Starting a new map First steps.
Georeferencing Defining the relationship between map paper coordinates and real world coordinates.
Map grid Showing a helper grid in the map view.
Objects Organizing, tagging and finding map objects.
Templates and Data Using and processing images and geospatial data.
Colors and symbols Modifying map colors and symbols.
Course design Using the course design symbol set.
Reference Drawing tools, toolbars, menu items, settings, CRT files.
FAQ Frequently asked questions.
Online resources
Blog The latest news from OpenOrienteering.
Issues list Submit feedback, bug reports, feature requests, and contributions.
Releases Releases, with links to change information and known issues.